Business and finance

Market Share Worksheet with Answers
20 multiple-choice questions on market share. The questions focus on calculations, definitions and an interpretation of values.
Students can mark answers themselves.
Save yourself some time!

Eduqas Business A Level Model Answers
Please find some examples of model answers from Paper 1 of 2022. I’ve included explanations of exam technique on many of the questions.
Please be aware - ARCADE-J is a mnemonic I use with my students for questions that require evaluation, such as Assess, Recommend, Consider, Advise, Discuss, Evaluate, Justify

Globalisation / Introduction to International Marketing
Using MCDONALD’S TSUKIMI BURGER, Tesco’s failure to succeed in the US, Apple’s failure to succeed in India, and many others, this PowerPoint seeks to explore the reasons why businesses wish to sell in international markets, the challenges and constraints.
Included in this PowerPoint:
A detailed title page, outlining the key skills covered in this topic
A recap on moving averages with answers. This topic is included in some syllabi earlier in the marketing unit but can be deleted if not required
A starter activity introducing the concept of globalisation where students need to match McDonalds products based on the country whey are sold
(demonstrating how products need to be adapted based on the market they are targeting). Answers are provided
An explanation of reasons why businesses choose to sell products in overseas markets
A contextualised example for each reason
Detailed explanations as to each of the reasons why how marketing activities need to change depending on which country goods are being sold
Video 1: Reasons why Tesco failed in US (poor marketing)
Video 2: Reasons why Apple failed in India (poor marketing)
Introduction to some of the factors that make trade between countries easier
This lesson took me an hour and a half to go through.

Balance Sheets (Statement of Financial Position)
The topic of balance sheets is one that many students (as well as teachers!) find challenging to grasp… This colourful, informative and engaging lesson has been created with this in mind by breaking down the topic down and guiding students step-by-step, using a range of clear explanations, fun activities and demonstrations. Colour, appealing fonts and images have been used throughout.
Included in this presentation:
A colourful and informative title slide, outlining key concepts, skills and learning objectives.
Three starter activities (for the purpose of differentiation) that reviews what the income statement is, how different values are calculated as well as profitability ratios. Each activity has differing levels of difficulty, so you may do as many or as little as you choose. Detailed answers to each activity are provided.
An embedded link to a Kahoot Quiz I have created is imbedded on one slide, and introduces students to concepts of assets, liabilities and equity. The Kahoot has 10 questions where students have to answer mind-blowing facts about Apple, such as how many patents its owns and the amount of cash they have in the bank. Each question contains an image / gif to engage students.
Detailed, broken down and contextualised explanations of types of assets and liabilities
An activity where students need to identify types of assets (answers provided)
An activity where students need to categories assets, liabilities and equity
Step by step instructions (using engaging colours) to explain how the balance sheet is calculated
An easy to understand explanation as to why the balance sheet has its name, and assets / equity and liabilities are always equal
Explanation of why balance sheets are produced and what many of its uses are
A challenging activity where students need to calculate values in a balance sheet.
I have found this resource great in helping students understand the topic and is a great introduction to future topics, such as liquidity ratios.
This lesson took me 3 x 45 lessons to complete as I used all three starter activities with my students.
File size is just over 400MB

Price Elasticity of Demand WORKSHEET
A detailed and colourful worksheet designed to test a range of skills covered in this topic. The worksheet contains 6 activities, each taking between 5 and 15 minutes to complete. It took most of my students between 45 minutes and an hour to finish this worksheet. The activities are as follows:
Activity 1 - A fill the blanks activity that test students’ knowledge of the vocal and terminology used
Activity 2 - Calculating PED, percentage changes and recognising the different types of PED
Activity 3 - ‘Developing your answers’ - students need to recognise and explain factors that influence PED
Activity 4 - Revenue boxes
Activity 5 - Diagrams
Activity 6 - More complex calculations / application
ALL ANSWERS ARE PROVIDED IN DETAIL and have been written in a way that is broken down for students to easily understand. I ran this activity as a peer marking exercise and collected everyone’s work at the end of the lesson to check if there were any gaps in understand to review the following lesson. This saved a lot of time!

Payback Period (PBP) Worksheet
A simple worksheet where students need to calculate the payback period of 4 investment options.
Answer key included

Porter and Lawler (Expectancy theory)
PowerPoint resource on Porter and Lawler includes:
Colourful and interactive title page with animations and timer
Critical Path Analysis network diagram starter activity (with answers)
Detailed notes on Porter and Lawler

Profitability Ratios (Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, Return on Capital Employed)
A colourful and engaging resource designed for introducing profitability ratios (gross profit margin, operating profit margin and return on capital employed).
Included in this presentation:
A colourful title slide detailing the learning (lesson objectives) and equipment required for the lesson
Two detailed and colourful slides explaining what ratios analysis is and why it is conducted.
An introductory recap activity where students are required to calculate missing values for an income statement and balance sheet (answers provided)
Step by step and contextualised examples of how to calculate all three profitability ratios
Activities on all three ratios for students to complete (answers provided)
Explanations, analysis and evaluation of what could cause these ratios to improve and worsen.
This resource contains 29 slides and took me an hour and a half to fully go through.

A fill the blanks activity on the 4Ps with emphasis on Boston Matrix
Answers are included
This is useful as a starter activity or plenary

Productivity (Business/Business Studies)
This resource includes:
Colourful and engaging title slide with animations and interactive timer
Guess the question starter activity (with answers)
Explanation of productivity (labour and capital)
2 simple calculation activities
Detailed notes
Past exam question with mark scheme

Payback Period
Colourful slides, animations, video links, fun activities, as well as questions (with answers provided) are all included in this engaging and informative lesson on calculating the payback period, applicable to all syllabi
Included in the lesson is:
A fun (and very popular with my students!) Catchphrase starter activity where students have to guess the name of a well-known brand or product from a selection of pictures. Answers are provided.
An eye-catching slide used to explain the purpose of the lesson and introduce the terms capital investment appraisal.
An explanation of what it means to invest
Contextualised examples and explanations of what investing is with colourful slides and video links provided (a Bitcoin video is included as well as a link to live house price updates)
A ‘guess the price of the good’ activity that demonstrates reasons why people make investments (to get a return on their investment)
Examples of real business investments (Facebook purchasing WhatsApp, Oculus, extra warehouses for servers)
Explanation and step by step demonstration of how to calculate the payback period
A 10 - 15 minute activity where students need to calculate the payback period. Answers provided.
An explanation as how to evaluate the payback period
It took me a lesson and a half to go through all of the content

Cash Flow Forecast Activity
Test your students’ knowledge of cash flow forecasts with this UNIQUE activity that demonstrates if students can calculate each of the different values.
This cash flow forecast contains a number of intentional errors that students need to identify and correct.
All instructions are included in the activity, but the key thing to note is that all yellow values cannot change, any others can.
Included in this activity are the following:
Page 1 - Instructions on how to complete the activity, a cash flow forecast (in colour) and an explanation of what the first error is and how it should have been calculated.
Page 2 - All errors have been circled. This can be shown after the cash flow forecast has been completed.
Pages 2 and 3 - Detailed explanations of all errors and how they should have been calculated.
Page 4 - The completed cash flow forecast with all answers.
How I run the activity:
Give students up to 10 minutes to complete the cash flow forecast
Once finished, ask students to explain any errors they have found (this took my class 10 minutes)
Show the circled errors on the board so that students can circle them
Explain each error in detail
Show the completed cash flow forecast on page 3 and get students to mark them. This will save you time.

Average Rate of Return
Included in this lesson:
A detailed and colourful title slide, including all learning objectives for this topic
A recap starter activity on calculating the payback period (answers included)
An explanation slide as to what the lesson is about; providing an overview of the problems of relying solely on the payback period as a method of investment appraisal and why other methods are also needed
Explanation of what ARR is
A scenario showing how ARR is calculated
An evaluation of ARR
There are 22 slides in total and it took me around 30 minutes to go through the presentation.

Critical Path Analysis Worksheet
A detailed worksheet with a range of explanations and activities on critical path analysis and completing network diagrams. There are eight activities included, spread over 5 tasks, ranging from step by step guidance as to how the diagram is completed, to float times and identifying the critical path.
I’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for students and teachers to follow.
All answers have been included at the back. Save yourself some marking and give the answers for students to peer mark if you wish!

Introduction to Marketing
This is an introductory lesson as to what marketing is. Although this resource has been created with the Eduqas exam board in mind, it can actually be used or edited to any exam board.
The lesson contains a number of activities, notes, explanations.
This lesson took me an hour to go through with my students.

Business Ownership
An 89 slide, detailed PowerPoint presentation on forms of business ownership. This presentation goes into detail about:
The public sector
The private sector
Limited Companies
Not-for-profit organisations
This presentation includes a number of editable recap activities (decision tree, guess the question, etc)
Colourful, interactive with animations throughout.
This presentation took me 3 hours to complete with my students

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
PowerPoint resource on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs includes:
Colourful and interactive title page with animations and timer
Catchphrase starter activity (with answers)
Detailed notes on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, each individual need and how they are achieved
Trivia activities between each need
Exam skills practice activity (with answers)

Price Elasticity of Demand
Colourful. Engaging. Informative. This PowerPoint has been creating to introduce students to the concept of price elasticity of demand.
Included in this PowerPoint:
A detailed and colourful title page, highlighting the skills that will be covered over the duration of this topic
A starter activity where students need to rank in order which goods / services would be most to least affected by a change in price
Discussion points
Slides detailing how price elasticity of demand is calculated, with an example
Slides explaining what the numerical values mean (how to interpret them)
Calculation questions with answers
Explanation of the factors affecting price elasticity of demand
This resource took me one hour to go through as a class

Marketing Objectives
A colourful and engaging resource on Marketing Objectives.
Included in this presentation;
A colourful and informative title slide outlining learning objectives. This slide includes animations
A Catchphrase starter activity where students guess the name of a business or product fro a range of picture clues
A recap fill the blanks starter activity that tests what student have learned about marketing so far (PowerPoint slide can be printed for students and answer key included)
Explanation of aims, objectives and mission statements
Match the mission statement activity
Detailed and contextualised notes on marketing strategy, SMART objectives
There are 35 slides in total and this lesson took me an hour to complete

Marketing Mix - Place
Included in this presentation:
A fun Catchphrase starter activity (my students love this!)
A recap activity on cost-based pricing strategies with answers (feel free to remove or skip if you are you to cover this)
Notes and examples on the different methods of distribution
Notes on the pros and cons of each method of distribution
Notes on the importance of selecting the most appropriate method of distribution